by Miti Alliance | Apr 29, 2023 | Latest News
If there is something that has become a ‘thing’ for Miti Alliance the last few years is our world environment day celebrations that happen the 1st weekend of June every year World environment day (WED) is celebrated worldwide on the 5th of June and it is all about...
by Miti Alliance | Apr 29, 2023 | Latest News
What is the Miyawaki method? This is a technique of quick afforestation that was introduced by Akira Miyawaki, a Botanist from Japan. It enables greening of spaces through establishment of pocket forests in small spaces. Why afforest using Miyawaki Technique? Trees...
by Miti Alliance | Apr 29, 2023 | Latest News
Good news! We have established another Miyawaki forest at Woodland Star International School in Limuru successfully! In early March of 2023 Miti Alliance in collaboration with The Center for Ecosystem Restoration(CERK) and SUGI were able establish a pocket forest...
by Miti Alliance | Apr 29, 2023 | Latest News
One of life’s simple pleasures is waking up to the view of the Mt. Kenya. It is truly breathtaking and as Miti Alliance, we are committed to supporting biodiversity on the Moutain and its surrounding ecosystem. In March 2023, the Miti Alliance team visited 8 schools...
by Miti Alliance | Mar 8, 2023 | Latest News
What an experience for us as Miti Alliance team and the ACK Kirangari Primary community this has been! Miti Alliance team started working in the school in July 2022 to implement our Miti Schools. Our goal is always to transform the mindsets of the students while...
by Miti Alliance | Mar 3, 2023 | Latest News
The ShokeShoke festival is just around the corner! The festival is set to happen from 2nd to 4th March at KICC. The goal of the festival is to plant a tree for every ticket bought an initiative by Mwanaume Ni Effort(MNE) Green division. Mwanaume Ni Effort (MNE) is...
by Lawrence | Feb 8, 2023 | Latest News
The Horn of Africa is being hit by the worst drought in four decades, putting up to 20 million people at risk of famine, according to the UN. Consecutive seasons of below-average rains are severely impacting food security in areas already beset by multiple other...
by Lawrence | Feb 8, 2023 | Latest News
When you hear the words “tree museum,” it’s probably Joni Mitchell who first comes to mind. In “Big Yellow Taxi,” the musician sings of a museum that charges people to see the trees inside – as the forests have all been cut down. Not far from the slopes of Mount...
by Lawrence | Feb 8, 2023 | Latest News
Growing up in rural Kenya in the 1980s, trees were everywhere. As a young girl, I knew which trees had the best twigs for brushing my teeth as I walked to school, which ones made the best natural brooms (we were required to sweep the toilets with ashes every Friday),...
by Lawrence | Feb 7, 2023 | Latest News
Our 2022 SUGi Impact Report is now published. Watch to celebrate all that we’ve grown together. We planted our first pocket forest in Beirut, Lebanon in May 2019. Today there are 142 SUGi Pocket Forests helping to rewild urban areas globally, whilst giving local...